This page (like others in the Useless Trivia space) exist to provide analysis and review of computer security in films. Reviews of usernames and passwords used in these films will be mentioned as they can be found and identified.
The Recruit:
int ??????? argc, char* argv[] { char szUserName[255]; char szPassword[255]; _getch("Login>>"); ------------------ cut away from view ------------------- int ch; int i = 0; do ch = _getch(); if(ch == '\r') szPassword[i] = '\0'; break; szPassword[i++] = ch; _putch('*'); } while( 1 ); _cputs("\n\n"); _cputs("ENTER) ------------------ cut away from view ------------------- sprintf( szLAYLA, "%s\\%s", szMOORE); #include "stdafx.h" #include <ROOT.h> #include <LOGIN.h> #include <PASSWORD.h> #include <ADMIN> #include <BYPASS.h> #include <string.h> HANDLE hFileSearch = PASSWORD( szUSER, &fd ); if(hACCESS-Search != VALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if(fd.dwPASSWORD != ROOT_ADMIN_BYPASS) _cputs("VERIFYING PASSWORD."); _cputs("\n\n"); _cputs("VERIFICATION COMPLETED.\n\n"); ------------------ Screen "clears" ---------------------- ROOT LOGIN SUCCESSFUL ------------------ cut away from view ------------------- exe/command shell/c3r /---------------------------------- ---------------------/ scanf("%s", szCommand); char* sz = FIND LAST LOG ARCHIVE("C:\\", "*.exe"); _cputs("\n\n"); printf("LAST ACCESSED> %s\n\n", sz); _cputs(">>"); scanf("%s", szCommand); return 0; char* FindLastApplication( char* szFolder, char* szExtention ) sprintf( szCURRENT,"%s\\%s", szFolder, szExt); HANDLE hFileSearch = FindFirstFile(sz, &fd); if( hFilesSearch != VALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if( fd.dwFileAttributes != FILE_DIRECTORY ) FILETIME ftLocal; SYSTEMTIME stCreate; FILE-TIME>ToLocalFileTime ( &fd.ftLAST ACCESS TIME, &ftLocal); if( CompareFileTime( &ftLocal, &ftLast ) > 0 ) ftLast = ftLocal; FileTimeToSystemTime ( &fd.ftLastAccessTime, &stCreate) > directory: CLASSIFIED/- ICE 9 [core] ENTER> ------------------ New Window ---------------------- exe/command shell/c4r /------------------------------------ ---------------------/ sprintd( szSubFolder, ICE 9 "%s\\%s", szFolder, CONFIDENTIAL); LIST * all * VIEW LAST APPLICATION( sz ICE 9 ) > go list bin/set - 089788 root ICE 9 fp[overview] log g98-3 bin/set - 892345 level docB fp[remote] check g98-3 ICE 9 core level Ng-569//4n fp[charts]*all 8 t38-7 documents >GH classified fp[application]% d5-34 REPORT > IDE 9 viral appz core LOG #87898 d5-88 list %n time-line bin/set9 core LOG #71872 root infect? chart76 set: ICE-9 level access h342 g77-2 -------------------- Code Gone ------------------------ ?C45-4] /----------------------------------------------- -------/ Last Executed File: \ ICE 9 [BAR DISPLAY ------------------------screen clears------------------ [LOGO] I C E 9 ---------------------------------------------------- Status: Classified - Clearance Level H4 Required v5.7 [65765-2] Property Of The Central Intelligence Agency ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------screen clears------------------ (Screen clears to white and we see changing hex values along the bottom and scrolling text/"code" above.) (1:09)
(C) 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 Copyright Information: Any of the above content that was created by me may be copied so long as each copy includes this copyright and links back to this site with reference to source and the content not be used for financial gain.
(C) 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 of information included above with explicit credit to people other than me who have submitted documentation, additions, corrections. You will need to get their permission to use their included content.
I do not provide screenshots from movies, or downloadable movies for any films to avoid issues with Copyright infringement. It is my intention to legally provide news, information, trivia, and discussion about films and ensure content is not illegally reproduced. If you control Copyright to any of these movies and will extend to me permission is writing to capture screenshot images to be used on the web, please let me know!
If you have suggestions on additions, feel free to e-mail them to me. Please use valid e-mail addresses so I can reply to you. I like to offer credit to people for their submissions. When you provide your submission, please specify what name should be credited with the information provided and if you would like to have an e-mail link to your address or a URL to your home page.
Useless Trivia: Movie reviews with respect to computer security.