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This page (like others in the Useless Trivia space) exist to provide analysis and review of computer security in films. Reviews of usernames and passwords used in these films will be mentioned as they can be found and identified.

Pi: Modern, Conspiracy, Coincidence

No Passwords/Passcodes/passphrases/secret keys. 3 different "Secret numbers"... (1 number is dramatically different from the other two, while the other 2 are only different with 2 numbers being transposed.)

There is "the number" our main character (Max) is trying to find again to help
predict the stock market and just about anything. 

(Hacking Ring-Zero or Ring-Negative-One; if prediction of events is possible,
with 100% accuracy, then entropy does not exist. Without entropy, where would
random numbers be? Where would much of crypto go?)

In the film, a group of people shown as "Jewish Mystics" with interest in
numerology and their religion is also looking for what he believes is the
same number.

The number he finds twice is as follows with break as seen on the screen:

>PX/ AACE 6 1/2 -8 1/4 AALR 4 1/8 +2 94143243431512659321054872390486828512913474876027 67195923460238582958304725016523252592969257276553 64363462727184012012643147546329450127847264841075 62234789626728592858295347502772262646456217613984 829519475412398501
The movie is consistent, in this string of digits is the same (ignoring the two character transposition) for each scene it is shown except one other scene. Also... Each line above is 50 digits long except for the last line which has only 18 digits. Total length of number above: 218 The number of digits the "Jewish Mystics" were looking for: 216 digits The number later references by the professor (Sol) as the one found while searching for Pi: 216 digits The length of the displayed number compared to the one mentioned as being desired if off by 2! (The film seems to try to be accurate on all other points. I find the difference between the two numbers amusing. :-) A different number is found later in the film: (This is supposed to be the number he writes from the screen by hand. However, the paper is not the same as the paper where the first number was being transcribed by him. Also, though we see him transcribe the beginning of the 218 digit number (above) this next number (216 digits) is not the same one we saw him start to transcribe!) (Header included at top as shown on the paper, and footer included too.)


884509627386359275033751967 943067599621731590401694134 434007629683591574337516791 197615733475195375920401694 343151239621353184932676605 80062159638071639?501371459 (?= 9 or 8 or 7 or 4, probably 7,8 or 9.) 954387507655892533875618750 (Amazon.com and imdb say ^ this is a "9") 354029981152863950711207613

Only God is Perfect

* NOTE: We see "86% Accuracy" "Only God is Perfect" as part of a newspaper advertisement from "Lancet Percy" when Max gets a newspaper to see the stock that plummetted to $6.5/share. (This is the company that offers him the new chip through Marcy Dawson.) Each line has 27 numbers. This number is 216 digits long, but is not the same number that Max found listed first - a 218 digit number. Later, he goes back to visit the professor (Sol) with which he plays games of Go. He had challenged his professor (Sol) to find again the 216 digit number. He finds the professor again suffered from a brain injury and was dead (suggested as a result of finding "the number".) A paper, assumed to be written by the professor (Sol), had a recorded number which read: (Shown with same line breaks)
9414324343151265932105 4872390436828512913474 8760276719592346032858 2958304725016523252592 9692572765536436346272 7184012012643147546329 4501270472648410756223478 96267285928582953475027 722626464562176139848295194 75412398501
Lines 1-6 have 22 digits each. (132 digits) Line 7 has 25 digits in it ( 25 digits) Line 8 has 23 digits in it ( 23 digits) line 9 has 27 digits in it ( 27 digits) Line 10 has 11 digits in it ( 11 digits) ------------------------------------------- Total: (218 digits) (I had originally made a mistakie here! I compared the two sets of numbers: * Those from the original Print Out * Those from the professor (Sol) I originally found them to be the same, but this was not true!) (Thanks goes to "Sutur" <hermes4293@hotmail.com>) Also, this is almost the same as the number we see on his computer screen First printed on screen (partial) and in hardcopy (full) with stock predictions. Second printed on screen (full) with him starting to copy it by hand (partial) The following shows the differences in BOLD italics

The paper from the professor: 9414324343151265932105 4872390436828512913474 8760276719592346032858 2958304725016523252592 9692572765536436346272 7184012012643147546329 4501270472648410756223478 96267285928582953475027 722626464562176139848295194 75412398501
Original Printout from the computer: 94143243431512659321054872390486828512913474876027 67195923460238582958304725016523252592969257276553 64363462727184012012643147546329450127847264841075 62234789626728592858295347502772262646456217613984 829519475412398501
Putting the numbers from the professor's paper in the same format as the printout: (This is not the format of the professor's note, but the numbers you see below are the same as those on the professor's note.) 94143243431512659321054872390486828512913474876027 67195923460328582958304725016523252592969257276553 64363462727184012012643147546329450127847264841075 62234789626728592858295347502772262646456217613984 829519475412398501

In an expanded analysis of one of the strings of number listed above, I received an e-mail message from "Chargen >> " from the Netherlands: Some (unsolved?) movie trivia.. Pi

Something's has me puzzled after watching the movie Pi.

The following is taken from the handwritten newspaper hardcopy of the 216-digit number in the movie:


Of course this number differs from the 218 digit number we see elsewhere on the film.

Other than the primes mentioned by Max in the scene that follows, a first glance makes the number appear meaningless.

However, taking a closer look, you find interesting properties...

For example a reversed mirrored sequence:

[040[1694] 134
4340076 2968 [3591 5743 3751 6791 |
1976 1573 3475 1953] 7592040 [040[1694]

The sequence after '|' is mirrored. Backward masking comes to mind. Yet another closer look reveals [962], [750] or [33751] which I consider outside markers (there are possibly more to be found)... in between there are several primes.

[962].. 173,159 [040[1694] ...... [962]

I think there's indeed a textual message or perhaps a spiral formula contained in this number as movie hints "the syntax is in between the sentences". It might just as well be a joke (Darren Aronofsky's social security number for instance) who can tell...

L-move or " C;173 L? Dk\ " ??

Thanks to "Chargen >> " from the Netherlands for the above information and work to find it. (e-mail address not included in this web page).

Thanks goes to "Sutur" <hermes4293@hotmail.com>) for pointing out the numbers from the printout and the note left by the professor (Sol) are not the same, and where they are different.

So, why is 23 reversed to 32 as a difference between the two?

How is it important to the film?

Notes: Pi was made for viewing in 1997. "23 - Nichts ist so wie es Scheint" was released in 1998. Coincidence?

Also consider the 218 digit number; if we remove the two digits that are different between the professor's (Sol's) paper and the original printout, then we do have a 216 digit long number.

(C) 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 Passwall.com. Copyright Information: Any of the above content that was created by me may be copied so long as each copy includes this copyright and links back to this site with reference to source and the content not be used for financial gain.

(C) 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 of information included above with explicit credit to people other than me who have submitted documentation, additions, corrections. You will need to get their permission to use their included content.

I do not provide screenshots from movies, or downloadable movies for any films to avoid issues with Copyright infringement. It is my intention to legally provide news, information, trivia, and discussion about films and ensure content is not illegally reproduced. If you control Copyright to any of these movies and will extend to me permission is writing to capture screenshot images to be used on the web, please let me know!

If you have suggestions on additions, feel free to e-mail them to me. Please use valid e-mail addresses so I can reply to you. I like to offer credit to people for their submissions. When you provide your submission, please specify what name should be credited with the information provided and if you would like to have an e-mail link to your address or a URL to your home page.

Useless Trivia: Movie reviews with respect to computer security.