// R. A. Hillyard
// partList.cpp
// November 2001
// Test program to demonstrate the use
// of a class as a member of another class

#include "inventory.h"

using namespace std;

const int MaxListSize = 10;

class PartList
    void addPart(Inventory item);
    void deletePart(int num);
    void upDateCost(int num);
    void display();
    int lookupByPartNum(int num);
    Inventory partsList[MaxListSize];
    int size;
//default constructor
  {  size = 0;  }
//add a part to the list
void PartList::addPart(Inventory part)
  if(size < MaxListSize)
    partsList[size] = part;
    cout << "The List is full. Entry not added\n";
//delete a part from the list
//shift each element below delete index up by one
//this overwrites the deletion and shortens the array by one
void PartList::deletePart(int num)
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    if(partsList[i].getPartNum() == num)   //first find index to delete
      for(int j = i; j < size; j++)       //then shift all entries up one 
        {partsList[j] = partsList[j+1];}
      size--;                             //and reduce size of array
    }//end for i
//display each entry in list  
void PartList::display()
  cout << "The List contains the following " << size << " parts\n";
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    {cout << partsList[i];}  
  cout << endl;
void PartList::upDateCost(int num)
  double newPrice;
  int index = lookupByPartNum(num);
  if(index >= 0)
    cout << "Current price: "<< partsList[index].getCost() << endl;
    cout << "Enter new price: ";
    cin >> newPrice;
    {cout << num << " not in the list - unable to update\n";}
int PartList::lookupByPartNum(int num)
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    if(partsList[i].getPartNum() == num)
      { return i;}
    }//end for i
  return -1;  
int main()
  //declare a variable of type PartList
  PartList inventoryList;
  //declare variables of type Inventory
  Inventory part1(1234, 542, 1022.99);
  Inventory part2(2345, 234, 77.69);
  Inventory part3(3567, 734, 22.34);
  Inventory part4(5678, 124, 337.69);
  Inventory part5(2333, 433, 57.69);
  //add parts to list

  int num;    //variable for user input
  //test of delete member function
  inventoryList.display();  //display list before delete
  cout << "Enter part number to delete: ";
  cin >> num;
  inventoryList.display(); //dispaly list after delete
  //test of upDateCost
  cout << "enter part number to update cost: ";
  cin >> num;
  inventoryList.display();  //dispaly list after update
/*********************Program Output******************
The List contains the following 5 parts
 1234   542   1022.99
 2345   234     77.69
 3567   734     22.34
 5678   124    337.69
 2333   433     57.69

Enter part number to delete: 3567
The List contains the following 4 parts
 1234   542   1022.99
 2345   234     77.69
 5678   124    337.69
 2333   433     57.69

enter part number to update cost: 2345
Current price: 77.69
Enter new price: 88.98
The List contains the following 4 parts
      1234       542     1022.99
      2345       234       88.98
      5678       124      337.69
      2333       433       57.69