// R. A. Hillyard
// inventory01.cpp
// November 2001
// inventory class

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Inventory
    void input();
    void output();
    void set(int newPartNum, int newInStock, double newCost);
    int getPartNum();
    int getInStock();
    double getCost();

    int partNum;
    int inStock;
    double cost;
void Inventory::input()
  cout << "\nenter part number, number in stock, and the cost:\n>";
  cin >> partNum >> inStock >> cost;
void Inventory::output()
  cout << setw(6) << partNum << setw(6) << inStock
       << setw(8) << cost << endl;
void Inventory::set(int newPartNum, int newInStock, double newCost)
  partNum = newPartNum;
  inStock = newInStock;
  cost = newCost;
int Inventory::getPartNum()
  { return partNum; }
int Inventory::getInStock()
  { return inStock; }
double Inventory::getCost()
  { return cost; }

int main()
  Inventory part1;
  Inventory part2;
  Inventory part3;

  part1.set(1234, 542, 12.99);
  part3.set(2345, 22, 498.56);

  double value = (part1.getInStock() * part1.getCost())
               + (part2.getInStock() * part2.getCost())
               + (part3.getInStock() * part3.getCost()); 

  cout << "\n*** Inventory Database ***\n";
  cout << "\nTotal value of inventory: " << value << endl;

/**********************Program Output****************************/

enter part number, number in stock, and the cost:
>7634 82 99.99

*** Inventory Database ***
  1234   542   12.99
  7634    82   99.99
  2345    22  498.56

Total value of inventory: 26208.1
